Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Police Beat co-author reads in Vancouver (with Liz, too!)

Charles Mudede, who co-authored the fascinating film Police Beat, which played at this year's VIFF, will be reading on Friday night in Vancouver alongside my friend Elizabeth Bachinsky. The event is described thus:

Speakeasy: Serial Spacewith Elizabeth Bachinsky (Vancouver), Diana George
(Seattle), and Charles Mudede (Seattle)

Artspeak, 233 Carrall Street, VancouverFriday, December 2, 8pm

Recently, west coast writers, artists and architects have been thinking
about how basic notions of space could be redefined. In a 2002 Artspeak
publication, Diana George and Charles Mudede approached serial space, an endless
repetition of particular spaces that appear throughout our conventions of
³urban" or "nature." Serial space proposes a shift in the way we think about
space, away from conventional dichotomies such as city/country, urban/suburban.
How can notions of space be redefined along the lines of serialized space -
endlessly repeating spaces - rather than by spatial dichotomies? How does space
form critical discourse and what are the implications of those formations, if
any? Artspeak¹s Speakeasy series of talks and readings encourage writers and
artists to continue this thinking.

It all sounds a bit spacy to me (sorry) but should be an interesting event...!

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