Thursday, September 08, 2005

Poetry Reading tonight at Robson UBC

Probably the only person I know with a successful career ahead of her in the arts -- ! -- is going to be giving a poetry reading tonight at the Robson campus UBC Bookstore. Liz is smart, ambitious, and a damned fine writer, even if she does think I talk about sex too much; and she's had some very good news about publication lately, which makes this a special event in her career. Those of you interested in the Vancouver literary scene should definitely be in attendance. The event starts at 7? 8? I've been told two different things, but here's the official information:

UBC Library & UBC Bookstore Robson Square
are pleased to announce
Robson Reading Series
Rhea Tregebov
Author of (alive)
Elizabeth Bachinsky
Author of Curio: Grotesques and Satires for the Electronic Age
at the UBC Library/Bookstore Robson Square
Thursday, September 8th, 2005
7:00pm, 800 Robson Street, plaza level
Free to the public, light refreshments provided.

The Robson Reading Series offers one free reading a month, ongoing, offering up some of the finest writers that Canada, BC & Vancouver have to offer. The Robson Reading Series would like to thank the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

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