Sunday, August 28, 2005

Zombiewalk Afterparty

The Creaking Planks were fun -- an accordion/banjo/ukelele (or sometimes harmonium) trio who played zombified versions of popular songs, plus Al Mader's marvelous "Dead Man's Pants," one of the funniest lyrics I've heard in awhile (they also did a charming cover of a Randy Newman song about being dead, but not knowing it...). Flat Grey (listed as the Cranberrys, for reasons I am not in on) were like being given a proctological exam with a power tool, but in a surprisingly pleasurable and soothing way. Dan and Harlow, neither G42 nor Sistrenatus, pictured above, provided dark texture and disturbing noise as images from Dawn of the Dead and Fulci's Zombie played in the background, and I fiddled with my camera. By that point, most of the zombies had staggered home, tho' -- apparently zombies don't like noise. The anecdote of the evening, from Heather, the event's organizing force, involved a security guard at the mall frantically trying to lock all the doors to keep out the approaching zombies. Also: Heather had made a brain pinata and forgot to bring it out during the party, so it rode with us back to her apartment; I got to carry her brain for awhile.

See you at Zombiewalk 2006... I might even dress up, then.

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