Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Holy shit, it looks like Eugene Chadbourne is coming, too! (See the last listing on the page). Alas, it doesn't sound like he'll be playing "Georgia in a Jug" with this particular ensemble, but fuggit, it's still a great day! I will presently e-mail Dr. Chad (who knows me as a guy who is most enthusiastic about his "homemade" CD packaging -- I've about 8 of his homemades at present) and confirm that he's coming up this way. Perhaps I can tempt him with some local, uh, greenery...

You know, it's just as well the Flesheaters never tour anymore. We're getting pretty close to the end of the "performers to see before I die" list... The Ex are pretty high up there, too...

Postscript: it's confirmed, folks: Eugene Chadbourne is coming! Our correspondence on the matter began thus:

Me: Dr. Chadbourne!!!

Him: Sir Allan of Couve!

Me: Do I gather that you are going to perform in Vancouver in November?

Him: This is true.

Me: Oh joyous day, if it is so!

Him: Joyous for me, for once I am not unemployed during this gross out American holiday...

Looks like he's going to play two gigs, one here and one in Victoria. I am delighted at the prospect of meeting him. Any Eugene Chadbourne fans out there?

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