Friday, August 19, 2005

Concerts to Consider

Last year, the summer was the season to be an enthusiast of interesting musics in Vancouver -- Mission of Burma, Supersilent, Paul Dutton, the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra (who played to a room of uber-enthusiastic Japanese students; I was one of about 20 non-Japanese in attendance at the Commodore) and Diamanda Galas were among some of the things I got pretty darned enthusiastic about. This year, the fall is proving to be the season to wake up for. I've yet to hear what Vancouver New Music has planned, but so far there's plenty to consider -- and I'm not even taking Cinemuerte or the VIFF into account.

An asterix denotes essential musical experiences, by me:

Sept. 13 – Black Mountain @ Richards on Richards (great, narcotized hard rock, but I've seen 'em -- it'll depend on my mood). Other people tell me I should see the Brian Jonestown Massacre... is that on this date, too.

*Sept. 15 – John Oswald (of Plunderphonics) @ Western Front (sample-based weirdness, I think -- a big name, must explore)

*Sept 21 – New Model Army @ Richards on Richards (unconfirmed - gig may not happen! An amazing, underrated, passionate British band with a social conscience and biting, insightful lyrics)

Sept. 22nd -- DOA plays with reinstated original members Randy Rampage and Chuck Biscuits at the Candy Bar and Grill. I might actually have to go to this event.

Sept. 23 – Apocalyptica @ Richards on Richards (European heavy metal cellists: go figure)

Sept. 27, Sigur Ros @ Orpheum (I haven't really explored these guys yet, which I suppose is kind of funny, given they're the most commercially successful band on the list, but... They're from Iceland, and that's enough to make me curious.

*Sept. 28 – Acid Mothers Temple @ Richards on Richards (psychedelic freaks from Japan)

*Oct 14 - Nihilist Spasm Band @ Western Front (seminal Canadian noise pioneers who play instruments they've designed themselves)

*Oct. 15 - Al Neil at Western Front, @VPL Oct 21, @Roundhouse Nov. 10, @VAG Nov 25 (important avant-garde pianist who rarely performs; his LP, Boot and Fog, is noteworthy for having the most fucked up version of "Over the Rainbow" imaginable -- a must-hear. Also a painter.

*Oct. 27 - Tobias Delius 4Tet, @ Ironworks (I've seen this European sax improviser play twice and loved both shows. Will be bringing wildman Han Bennink with him, too. Everyone should see Han Bennink once!)

*Nov. 25 – Eugene Chadbourne @ Western Front (wacky, weird psychedelic hero and guitar improviser with a fondness for covering Roger Miller and Phil Ochs tunes and doing twisted takes on classic rock songs -- or making huge, dangerous noises. Fronted Shockabilly, has played with John Zorn, Derek Bailey, Camper van Beethoven, the Sun City Girls, the Violent Femmes, Evan Johns, Jimmy Carl Black, Jello Biafra, Han Bennink, and far too many other noteworthies to note. YOU MUST ATTEND THIS SHOW. So must I. Assumedly, so must Dr. Chad.

This is pleasant, actually -- as the weather gets greyer, I'll need something to cheer me up.

1 comment:

  1. Richard -

    Actually, I last saw the New Model Army (or a stripped down version of the band) play at the Cobalt, just before it closed. I HAD been afraid of the venue, only to discover myself very comfortable/happy there -- but I haven't done the Asbalt yet. The problem is that I just don't know which of the punk bands these days are worth seeing -- I'm just not paying close enough attention to that kind of music, have my ear to improvised music, jazz, noise, and so forth... If a band I knew played there, I'd go, but punk bands that I know are all fat and balding now.

    Anyhow, it's a sad fuckup that the New Model Army won't be playing here this time around -- I can only hope that there's still another North American tour in these boys (or that one of my friends with a car will decide to go to the Seattle gig).

    Thanks for your post -- I'll look at your links.



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