Sunday, July 10, 2005

Brief Spyware Panic Recedes

Thanks, Dan!

(I've had a hellish week struggling with a deeply malevolent, un-deletable spyware program that compromised my browser, subverted ZoneAlarm, and wasn't even substantially slowed down by AdAware, SpyBot, About:Buster, HSRemove, Avast Antivirus, or my use of HiJack This to fix, delete, track down, and/or quarantine every suspicious file on my computer, which I did about five nights in sequence, only to have the malware sneak back in on my next reboot. With more than a little help from a friend, I've had to reinstall Windows XP and go through about two years' worth of Windows Updates to get my computer back in shape. If y'all don't know much about spyware or internet security, I recommend reading up on it! I think by this time next week everything will be back to normal, but I may not be posting so much until then).

Thanks again, Dan!

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