Thursday, June 30, 2005

Oh No! Blim is Dead

Folks, you won't believe it, but it looks like Blim, the little gallery space that could, has been shut down! I just received this somewhat cryptic e-mail from them, telling of it -- the title refers to how "scandalmongers" have "terminated us":

gloom and devious events have slapped. tribulatory
WRONGS have befallen. unto us all shall pass the
injustice, the harsh, the real: blim has been
aqcuiesce, dolor heaves within the citizens who
dreamt. for each there was hope, IS hope, as bubbles
deep the shimmering cloak patterned with creativity.
and from within this cloak each may find their
splendor, their creation, beckon towards newness.
no longer will your services be required as no longer
can our services be offered. yuriko, wakako, and
myself would all like to extend our appreciation,
without you all, there wouldnt be an us. please accept
the possibility of a final farewell gathering, perhaps somewhere near sandy beach and warm ocean water. as for now, recollection is required.

esteem your selves, we certainly appreciate

until next

and there it ends, save for a signature. But G42 were going to play there in August! Oh noooooo!

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