Wednesday, April 27, 2005

bill bissett to read at pulp fiction

Canadian sound poet bill bissett, who performed as part of an xcellent series of readings in Maple Ridge that my friend Liz organized, will be reading at the Main Street location of Pulp Fiction on Thursday, April 28 (2o05!) at 6 pm. bill is playful, eccentric, freer than free (tho' his books, CDs, and paintings cost money) and apparently (tho' in his 60s) is growing taller -- from 5' 11" to 6' 1" in the last couple of years. My favourite bit from the reading in Maple Ridge was a charming singsong lyric to the effect of "I don't want to suck empire/ I just want to suck you..." I liked his shaker stuff, too, tho'. Anyhow, I'll be there, and some other people prolly will be too...!

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