Thursday, February 10, 2005

3rd Gig into Planned Winks Groupiedom tomorrow night (Friday the 11th or such), the Winks gig yet again at the Anza Club, starting at 11 PM. (Cool Winks fan site put up by the Doers, with lotsa pictures here, while I'm linking stuff... see what I mean about the fishnets). I've been thinking about them again. My literary Russian friend, who has little tolerance for or interest in what I suspect she regards as relatively meaningless low-culture kidstuff, probably wouldn't give much credence to it (she tends to accidentally but charmingly refer to my blog as my "blob," by the way -- which blob she also regards as being somewhat juvenile!), but all the same, in our current condition of anarchy and decay, in the general formless free-for-all that we find ourselves in, where everything is up in the air and pop culture ends up having to fill in enormous blanks in our lives, since there's pretty much fuck-all else in sight -- it's pretty exciting that people in their twenties are picking up things like cellos and mandolins and trying to create their own sort of "culture" with them. It's not unlike some punk poet sincerely trying to articulate his/her experience with sonnets or villanelles (tho' it's bound to attract more of a community, which is what culture is supposed to be about, ain't it? The glue of shared practice that binds us. Tho' villanelle writing punks are welcome to post their verse in the comments section if they'd care to). It speaks to me, anyhow, of trying to find some continuity with traditions that existed before the marketplace ate everything... It's just gotta be a healthy thing. And if it ain't, well, I ain't got no culcher any'ow, so I got nothin' to lose.

Also excited that I'll get to pass on some rare Tom Cora stuff to Tyr. I've been thinking she'd probably enjoy Roof's The Untraceable Cigar -- a fave of mine, better than the Curlew I've heard. Plus I'll finally get to share the Winks with a cello playin' friend o' mine! (she's finally going to make one of their gigs). Lookin' like an enjoyable evening... 11 PM, Anza club... Check it out...


  1. Thanks so much for the CDs. They are great. The first time a fan gave me cds that are interesting to me! And you gave me like three! I have a week off school next week so I'll have time to listen lots. You ran away so fast I didn't have time to say thank-you in person.

    I like reading your blog, and we linked it from our news page if you didn't notice. Keep writing about us like you don't know we read it! ----Tyr

  2. Hey! Thanks, Tyr, I wasn't sure you guys were reading this; great to be actually LINKED to someone, too (I've never been linked before!). Sorry about runnin' away quickly -- I was tired and I felt kinda weird, giving music to someone I don't actually know -- plus I'd hoped to get home early enough to go to this yoga class in the morning, which I didn't end up doing... Long story. Anyhow, hope you have fun with the music. I have a bit of other Tom Cora stuff around, tho' nothing he's so prominent on. He actually played on a bunch of really wacky Eugene Chadbourne stuff, along with John Zorn... Sorta twisted psychedelic old-timey covers of country standards and 60's rock tunes... Chadbourne did stuff like put pickups on rakes and play'em like guitars...

    Anyhow, I'll be at the gig on the 26th -- keep playing like you don't know I'm going to write about it!


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