Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Americans moving to Canada

The Independent just ran a fairly interesting article about Americans moving to Canada, in the wake of Bush's re-election. Somehow lately Bush, the war in Iraq, all of that seems pretty unreal to me this week. Read on Baghdad Burning about the continuing problems with phones and electricity, and it's horrible, and I sympathize, but lately I just have to accept that there's not much I can do about it. I've marched, I've written angry condemnations of the war, and all that, but it seems lately like things are just going to keep rolling on regardless, so...

I guess I could browse American personals sites for people looking to marry their way in. The United States could become like the Phillipines or Russia -- American women placing personals ads in international papers, looking for a way out. I slept with an American, once...

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