Friday, December 05, 2008

Forrest J Ackerman, RIP

Having expressed my debt to Forry in an exchange a couple of years ago, I didn't, in fact, send a card. It is now too late to do so.

(See here for my previous post on this... Or scroll down...).


Robert Dayton, Junior said...

Without even being aware of his passing I got the DVD of Al Adamson's Frankenstein VS. Dracula in the mail....I watched it last nite. Forry had a pretty big role as the mad scientist descendant of Dr. Frankenstein! Al Adamson's movies are oftena fun watch just to see how they cobble things together!

Allan MacInnis said...

I haven't yet seen any of Al Adamson's films, tho' I have BRAIN OF BLOOD in my to-watch pile, and I believe his name comes up a few times in Stephen Thrower's NIGHTMARE USA, which has been by my bed for weeks and is proving to be a great read (a beautifully put together compendium of interviews, reviews, and thoughts on the "exploitation independents" of the 1970's and early 1980's - you'd love it). The story of Adamson's death sounds pretty bizarre, too, tho' I only know the Wikipedia version... Mebbe I'll looksee what Thrower says about it...

Allan MacInnis said...

Heh... Turns out Thrower hates Adamson - describes his films as "abysmal" and compares him negatively to Ed Wood (but reviews four of his films no less). Apparently a friend had talked to Adamson - just read this in Thrower - two days before he was murdered; Adamson said that he was having problems with the live-in contractor who was building his home - the guy was ripping him off - and was about to confront him. He was found weeks later, his body walled into his own bathroom.